Houses for Sale in Glebe - Glebe Houses for Sale
The Glebe is a neighbourhood in Ottawa, Canada. It is located just south of downtown, and is bordered by the Rideau Canal, Moor Park and the University of Ottawa. The Glebe has a long history, and was originally settled by farmer John Leighton in 1816. Today, it is a vibrant community with a mix of small businesses, restaurants and Victorian-style homes.Glebe Houses for Sale
If you're looking for a house for sale in Ottawa, the Glebe is an excellent neighbourhood to consider. There are a variety of houses available, from historic Victorians to moder homes. And because it's such a desirable neighbourhood, prices can be on the high side. However, if you're willing to pay a little extra for your dream home, the Glebe is definitely worth considering.Houses for sale Glebe

Canadian Real Estate AssociationCall or Text our real estate professional Sandi Branker @ (613) 408-7935